全球关注:云上岭南 | 书店:繁华都市中的灵魂栖居地
星岛环球网 2023-04-22 14:46:11


【大美广东】Bookshop: a dwelling place of soul in bustling metropolis

April 23rd marks the 28th World Book Day. In Zhuhai, the promotion of reading for all cannot be successful without the support of bookstores. Henry Higgins, editor-in-chief of the book: The World in Bookshops, said, "Bookshops are always sparking new desires, planting the seed of desires in our hearts. Such desires can lie dormant for a long time, and then suddenly break through the ground to sprout. Such is their magic: inspiration stirs in our hearts, awakening unfamiliar desires; dreamsgrow bigger, illuminating the mind." There are countless reasons to praise bookstores. They influence the cultural context of a city, carrying its character and ethos. #artandculture





